2025 Pool Opening/Closing Contract

By signing below, customer is requesting Cahley Backyard Services LLC to schedule and perform the following services to their pool:

OPENING - $500
• Removal of winter cover
• Removal of winter plugs
• Reassembly/installation/inspection of equipment
• Test and adjust water chemistry
• Folding of winter cover
• Start up equipment
• Basic cleaning (brush/vacuum <45min)
• Clean auto cover (if applicable)
Pool MUST be filled at least halfway up the skimmer on day of opening!*
• Start up chemical kit is included. (Shock (5lbs) + Algaecide (32oz)) Any additional chemicals will be billed separately.

CLOSING - $500
• Lower water level
• Blow out lines
• Install winter plugs (plugs are additional charge)
• Antifreeze in skimmers
• Cover pool with owners’ cover
• Remove leaves and vacuum as needed
• Remove ladders/safety rails
• Remove pool accessories
• Clean and drain filter
Pool MUST be drained to just below the skimmer on day of closing!*
• Closing chemical kit is included. (Metal Magic (32oz), Algaecide (32oz) + Chlorine Floater) Any additional chemicals will be billed separately.

Please be sure our technician(s) has access to your pool, cover and accessories on the scheduled day of service. Be sure that water and electricity are available. Solid pool covers should be free of excess water and leaves/debris. ALL ACCESSORIES (filters, baskets, ladders, etc.) MUST BE ACCESSIBLE.

*Additional charges may apply for additional chemicals not included in the kit, adding/draining water and removing leaves/debris from solid pool covers. If storage areas are not accessible, equipment will be left outside. If water levels are not appropriate upon our arrival, a $100 fee will be added to your final bill to compensate our time.

Payment is due at the time of service. A 10% late fee will be added to your invoice after 5 business days. Our cancellation fee is 20% - see FAQs page for more information. Payment options available: Zelle, Venmo, Cash, Check.

Last edited: 1/8/25

Let’s get your pool opened/closed.

By filling out the information below, you are agreeing to an electronic signature method of signing the above contract. If you have further questions, please email Jordan at info@cahleybackyardservices.com